Simple Ideas For Boys Bedroom Design

INTERIORFO | Simple Ideas For Boys Bedroom Design

Selecting the concept and design of the bedroom for the boys actually much easier than selecting a concept for the girls bedrooms why? Because the concept of boys bedrooms don’t require a lot of ornaments and decorations are too chic like tassel, until the beads and pearls. Designing boys bedrooms depending on the selection of the main theme, choosing the right theme can certainly make it easier to determine the furniture until decoration.

Simple Ideas For Boys Bedroom Design character animation - interiorfo
Simple Ideas For Boys Bedroom Design Character Animation
Some ideas for boys bedroom was a lot using a concept synonymous with sport and character animation. Selection animated cartoons ideas such as Ben 10 to Angry Birds can be chosen to make the bedroom is not boring. Moreover, choosing popular idea of ​​an animated character theme for your bedroom will greatly simplify buy supporting decor. Such as poster, bed linen until headboard.

Simple Ideas For Boys Bedroom Design stripes and simple motifs - interiorfo
Simple Ideas For Boys Bedroom Design Stripes and Simple Motifs
Another idea that is usually popular and has been chosen is concept of the bedroom with the theme of stripes and simple motifs such as nautical or beach. Red and blue always be the right choice ideas for boys bedroom. Adding decorations could be an appropriate alternative to make the bedroom more appealing, selection poster to the action figures could be an option, but don’t too much, because it can make messy bedroom. Set also the arrangement of the collection as neat as possible, so that the bedrooms are comfortable and clean.

Top 4 Stylish Little Boy Bedroom Ideas

INTERIORFO | Top 4 Stylish Little Boy Bedroom Ideas

Top 4 Stylish Little Boy Bedroom Ideas - interiorfo
Having a baby would be the happiest thing, setting up many cute dress until designing a bedroom for your little baby becomes the agenda that must be done, if you are confused in choosing ideas for your little boy bedroom ideas in this article we will help you find most popular for baby boys rooms.

- Green Light and Blue
Little Boy Bedroom Ideas Green Light and Blue - interiorfo
Little Boy Bedroom Ideas Green Light and Blue

Blend these two colors can be the best idea and main theme for designing your baby rooms, especially if you have a bedroom with a small size, choose a bright color could be the most appropriate alternative to camouflage small room look more spacious and not boring. Some themes such as choosing bed linen with the concept of stripes, polka-dot will make the room look more fresh and chic. Especially if you add the ornaments on the walls of the bedroom, the bedroom will look more fabulous.

- Classic Rustic
Little Boy Bedroom Classic Rustic - interiorfo
Little Boy Bedroom Classic Rustic

Blending classic and rustic concept could give effect more comfortable and cool. Choosing bedroom furniture that is not too excessive is perfect for this concept. For example, selecting a concept for baby mattress rattan, brown and white could be the perfect mix of classic shades for little boy bedroom Ideas

- Contemporary
Little Boy Bedroom Contemporary - interiorfo
Little Boy Bedroom Contemporary

bright and catchy colors also could make the room fantastic, combine several bright colors such as red to orange can be the right choice for you who have a bedroom large enough. A complex mix of colors can create the feel more eye catching.

- Animals
Little Boy Bedroom Animals - interiorfo
Little Boy Bedroom Animals

Choosing zoo concept has also become the most popular choice for little boy bedroom ideas, you can use the concept of elephants, monkeys or birds to make it look cute!

Step By Step Designing Awesome Boys Bedroom

INTERIORFO | Step By Step Designing Awesome Boys Bedroom.
Awesome Boys Bedroom - interorfo

Designing boys bedroom that’s dynamic and stylish is not difficult. Even if you have a narrow bedroom does not mean you can’t design a bedroom that seemingly chic and dynamic. The huge bedrooms area also requires appropriate treatment that does not look boring. Designing the bedroom is not just a matter of themes and designs, but also should pay attention to some other aspects such as structuring, decoration lights in the room and the selection itself.

Especially if you are designing a boys bedroom in the attic, lighting and decoration election is very important to make the stay comfortable bedrooms and can make your boys slept soundly. The first thing you can do is choosing the right bed linen, if necessary, you can also add a headboard.
Step By Step Designing Awesome Boys Bedroom - add a headboard

Selection of decorations also not have to be expensive, you can choose the decorations simple such as a bookcase, or frames are unique and puts a special shelf for toy boys you, can also choose a special box that can be stored in a closet or under the mattress. Lastly, you need to put some light sleeper in the right areas, for example on the table beside the bed or in the corner of the room, choose a standing lamp can also give the impression of elegant and stylish.

Tips On Make Tidy And Comfort Baby Boys Bedroom

INTERIORFO | Tips On Make Tidy And Comfort Baby Boys Bedroom
Tips On Make Tidy And Comfort Baby Boys Bedroom - INTERIORFO

Have you ever seen the baby boy bedroom design that’s super luxury in Hollywood movies? Well, in fact designing a baby boys bedroom is not easy as you think, in contrast to the boys bedroom aged 5 or 6 years. Designing bedrooms for baby boys must adjust to the needs and the baby's health, the effectiveness and the efficiency of very influential, Then how to design a baby boys bedroom are dynamic, modern and tidy?

According to some psychologists, choosing the right color is very important for baby psychology. Therefore when designing a bedroom for the baby should not use dark colors and mix wrong, such as choosing the color of black and dark blue as the main concepts. The colors are right for baby's bedrooms include light blue, white or yellow, and light green, light brown or colors that are synonymous with the concept of minimalism. Minimalist concept is suitable for you who really want to make baby boys bedroom are clean and neat design.
baby's bedrooms include light blue, white or yellow, and light green, light brown - INTERIORFO
baby's bedrooms include light blue, white or yellow, and light green, light brown

Minimalist concept can also be combined with some other concepts such as rustic, classic and contemporary. Do not forget to choose a bed that is high enough for ages 0- 6 months. Select the sheets were soft and did not make a baby's skin allergies. Cabinet or storage area is also very important. Separate cabinet for storing clothes and a few other things such as medications, toiletries and toys.
Tips On Make Tidy And Comfort Baby Boys Bedroom - rustic, classic and contemporary - interiorfo
rustic, classic and contemporary

Easy Step How To Create Cool Boys Bedrooms

INTERIORFO Easy Step How To Create Cool Boys  Bedrooms.
Easy Step How To Create Cool Boys  Bedrooms - interiorfo

Who said designing bedrooms for boys it difficult? There are many easy and inexpensive ways that you can try to make cool boys bedrooms also comfortable and eye catching. Follow the step by step on this article!

1. Decide one theme that is easy but unique

Decide one theme that is easy but unique - interiorfo
Choosing a theme is the key to make the bedroom look chic and awesome. For the bedroom the boys you can choose an easy concept, such as choosing a theme animated characters, or characters famous bands such as The Beatlles or Nirvana and many more. Try to ask your child what theme that he wants.

2. The right furnishings
Easy Step How To Create Cool Boys  Bedrooms - The right furnishings - interiorfo

Select furniture sometimes be problems, there are many people who end up designing a bedroom cause the wrong selection furniture, especially if you have a bedroom with a small size. The furnishings will greatly affect the movement of your child in their bedroom, in addition to the appropriate furniture can affect the comfort of your child's learning.

3. The decor is not excessive
Easy Step How To Create Cool Boys  Bedrooms -  The decor is not excessive - interiorfo

The third important point designing cool boys bedrooms are décor. Usually the boy does have many collections, therefore choosing the right storage is required. If you have a low budget, you can create a storage area from a wood pallet with the concept of DIY, such as making tree standing desk or barrel desk. Take advantage of the corner of the room to make the room more comfortable small bedroom.


INTERIORFOMINI STUDIO, MAX SPACE: TRANSFORMATION AND DESIGN. Who said that a small space lack of space and functionality? A mini studio can be as comfortable and design a large apartment or a loft. The designers of these seven smaller spaces have proved it. Discover a video how a mini apartment can turn into modern and practical living space.


Small spaces are often considered uncomfortable. It is true that they are not the easiest to develop, but with good logistics and according to some main rules of design, it can be done. 15 m² to 46 m², nothing is impossible for creative minds.


Studio Wok is the designer of this apartment located in Milan, Italy. With its area of 28 m², this space is comfortable and spacious. Consisting of a large room, its main element is the large wooden wall which houses many functions...


The challenge of this space was to create of its 28 m², a studio with a comfortable life. The main area consists of a large room, clean and simple. The dominant material is plywood. A large window leads to the terrace as an extension of the apartment.

Plywood is the dominant in this small space design and light material
Plywood is the dominant in this small space design and light material-interiorfo

The two large walls/cupboards wall plywood hide a whole set of furniture: double bed on wheels, the entrance to the bathroom and in the kitchen, a closet, shelvesand a sliding doorThe living room is comfortable to live and great flexibility. You canchange its appearance during the day and adapt it to the uses.

Elegant Boys Bedroom Sets Ideas

Elegant Boys Bedroom Sets Ideas - interiorfo
The concept of elegant bedroom becomes the choice of many people, the concept of elegance not always filled with all-round luxury goods and also excessive. There are many easy and inexpensive way to get an elegant bedroom. The first way is concern about set the furniture and ornaments also decorations arrangement, the wrong arrangement could make the bedroom look crowded.

Bedroom with elegant concept usually always synonymous with a choice of black and white or gray and white, the easiest way create elegant boys bedroom ideas is determined lighting in room, choose dim light concept, not only standing lamp, you can also use the wall lamp to provide dynamic atmosphere.

Set the furniture should not be too close, better arrange the furniture with a considerable distance. For example, put a wardrobe in the corner of the room, while the desk in the corner of another room, so there is an empty space to make it look clean and tidy. Choose ornaments that are not too large, such as a poster with a small size, frame it using unique frame. And do not forget to put a mirror on the bedroom wall. Hopefully some tips about boys bedroom ideas above can help you design a bedroom set that is elegant and stylish.

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